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o On June 6th at 5am, America, Britain, and Canada sent a fleet of troops from Britain to France

o Canada was made to occupy one of the five major beaches that the troops were designated to take over (Juno) with British and American troops taking over the other four.

o 155,000 troops, 50,000 vehicles, 11,000 planes and 5,000 ships were prepared for this battle

o 14,000 of those soldiers were Canadian and the ships were supplied by the Royal Canadian Navy, sending also 10,000 sailors

o Canadian army was under control of British commander, Bernard Montgomery

2:15am: Notice for the Germans on a large scale attack by the Allied forces

4:15am: Confirmation of the attack


6am: Normandy’s beaches were visibly lined with Allied ships

6:30am: US soldiers travel to the shores of Utah and Omaha beaches
-those who made it ashore found it        impossible to travel 200m of open beach and                                        survive

7:30am: British and Canadian troops arrive at their designated beaches; Juno, Gold and Sword.
-high tide leaving less beach to travel

8:00am: German guns silenced by the Allies

6pm: Allies have successfully travelled 6km inland, securing their place in Normandy. Winston Churchill also announces to House of Commons that this process was a success.


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